我也最爱lucy in the sky with diamonds叫我想起阿甘近来极度排斥煽情但还是被煽到落泪了Sam智力只得7岁但他有爱的能力女不嫌父笨精灵的lucy只感受到爱有一阵子真是怕美国片圣僧不可以太大了在线阅读这么向上这么乐观叫我这种冷静的悲观主义者怎么活但偶尔心灵鸡汤一下权当抚摸一下日益羸弱的心脏
The important part of the human condition is the imaginative function. And surroundings don't make that much difference I don't think. Sheffield's never been a beautiful place, but you can find those things, sometimes in the most unlikely corners, I get when people get off the tr